It’s Time for the Christian World to Get Back to the Bible

When looking across our modern Christian world, it is glaringly apparent that we desperately need to get back to the Bible.

That’s because after two millennia of manipulation, first century Biblical teachings and practices are barely recognizable in many modern churches.

Even conservative Christians that pride themselves on being “Bible believing and Bible practicing” have, over the decades, slowly crept away from their Word-based roots, becoming increasingly shackled by traditional beliefs and practices more so than many of them would care to admit.

Many will strongly insist that their teachings are 100% correct and directly from the Word, but consistently demonstrate their inability to logically and sincerely answer reasonable counter-questions regarding apparent inconsistencies of their faith.  Worse, they eternally insulate themselves from the need to sensibly and Biblically explain themselves by sometimes foolishly miscategorizing those who value Truth over tradition as divisive false teachers, whom the Bible has commanded them to avoid.  Thus, they succeed not only in driving honest truth-seekers away, but also in reducing their churches to tradition-bound zealots and unspiritual brethren with lives often consumed by employment, secular education, and/or entertainment, leaving no quality time for the things that truly matter in life.

Their direction has been defined by their inability to handle relatively minor differences in the mature way described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 8, Romans 14, and elsewhere, confusing as “false teaching” anything differing from their doctrinal comfort zones, and taking 2 John 9 grossly out of the clear context of Docetism, a blatantly false branch of Gnosticism that held that Jesus Christ did not come in the flesh.  The habit of majoring on the minor and minoring on the major has paved their errant path, which has become more pronounced through time like an invariable beam of light through space.

And followers of such movements tend to be managed by men who consider preaching a career rather than a calling, and, while fervently claiming to be autonomous and non-denominational—just as the Bible teaches—consistently yield to the peer pressure of popular preachers.

Getting back to the Bible won’t win many popularity contests

Because men have become entrenched in their practices for so long, it therefore shouldn’t come as a big surprise that getting back to the Bible won’t win many popularity contests these days.

Christianity itself is shrinking in popularity, regardless of the denomination. Simply acknowledging Christ as Lord and the Bible to be God’s Word results in instant discrimination.

But if you put your faith into action by actually opposing mainstream ideologies like abortion, homosexuality, and evolution—non-Biblical practices and teachings that even some in the Christian world are unbelievably warming to—you’re now among the even fewer.

And if you go further by abhorring denominational traditionalism (as Jesus did in Matthew 15), if you determine that salvation is certainly by God’s grace but through obedient faith, if you have the faith of Abraham who put his faith into action by actually obeying God always—even when it was challenging—if you’re determined to not let denominational traditions and teachings taint your Biblical conclusions, if you’re resolved to pursue unity—but only unity in truth (Rom. 14.19; 2 Jn. 3)—if you’re dedicated to worshiping God as those in the Word were taught to worship Him—then you can count yourself among the very few indeed.

The truth is, for honest truth-seekers whose goal it is to simply get back to the Bible in all that they believe and practice, the days of Elijah have come.

Getting back to the Bible isn’t as difficult as it sounds

In spite of all of this, truly following the truth is not as difficult as it sounds.

It doesn’t mean we have to ride donkeys, walk around in first century apparel, recline like Romans at dinner tables, or grow Pharisaical beards.

It simply means that we’re resolved to truly follow Christ wherever He leads us, and just as His Word—that “new contract” (otherwise called the New Testament) that we have with God—teaches us.

But we must not be naive by thinking that if what we believe and practice doesn’t mimic modern Christianity, then it can’t be right.  Instead, we must understand that when Jesus said that the way to eternal life is narrow and that only a few would find it, He wasn’t jesting (Mt. 7.13-14).

The fact is that much of the modern Christian world is following the wide path that leads to destruction, a trend that was observable in the days of Christ, in the days of Israel under the Law of Moses, in the days of the prophets, and in the days of Noah.  The fact is that the vast majority of God’s people in certain past times were simply not pleasing their Maker.

Our strength is certainly in God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Word—but it’s also in our mutual and active fellowship (Acts 2.42; Heb. 10.25).

And the faith of God is not about withdrawing and isolation, it’s about being part of a family, and reaching out to others (Matthew 28.18-20).

If you agree that the Christian world needs to get back to the Bible, here’s how you can join us in this noble quest…

If you agree that it’s time the Christian religious world got back to the Bible, then please don’t hesitate to join us so that together we can joyfully reach out others who—like us—desire to be part of a true, spiritual family of genuinely Bible-based believers, mutually encouraging one another in the true faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!